Big 5 Safari Trip: 8 Practical Tips on How to Make the Most of Yours

Going on an adventure trip is a great way to break your work routine. Wildlife safari trips can provide you with much more than animal sightings. When you choose safari packages and plans you get to be in the open and experience nature like never before.

For many, wildlife safari packages offer the right combination of adventure and planning with varied expeditions for a bucket list-level Big 5 safari trip.

Prepare for Your Big 5 Safari Trip

Since there are different types of safari plans and packages you can choose for your Big 5 safari, you can be spoilt for options. It is the most popular safari as this is where you get to see five of the largest animals on African soil – African buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard and rhino. However, before you do that you need to be thoroughly prepared for it to make the most of your trip.

elephants big 5 safari trip sighting
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Here are 8 tips that would help you make the most of your Big 5 safari trip.

Do Your Research 

Even before you decide to buy safari plans you would want to know more about what you are going to buy and how it can influence your experience. We live in a world of the internet where you can read different wildlife safari blogs and websites to help you make the right choice. Also, you can browse different tourism websites which can provide you with details related to how you should prepare for safari trips to Africa.

big 5 safari trip in africa

For instance, if you are planning to head to Kenya for Big Five safari tours you must know more about various national parks in Kenya where you can find these wild animals. Apart from Kenya, you can also find the Big 5 in South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana and Zambia.

Get the Timing Right

When you are planning safari trips you need to take into consideration the timing as well. Weather can influence and impact your safari tour in a big way and therefore you must be clear about choosing the right weather. For instance, you must have information on the different dry and wet seasons in different parts of Africa.

Choosing the dry season can provide you with many opportunities to go out and enjoy game drives. However, some people prefer to explore the wilderness during the wet season to ensure that there are fewer tourists and they can have better wildlife sightings, especially for wildlife photography.

leopard in tree kenya
Image by Nicola Stockton from Pixabay

Focus on Documentation and Paperwork

Getting your documentation and paperwork done on time can make things easier for you especially if you are heading for your Big 5 wildlife safari trip for the first time. Different African countries have different visa procedures and requirements. Hence, you must be clear about how you can wrap up all the procedures even before your trip begins. This will allow you to concentrate on other important things during your visit to any of these African countries.

Book in Advance

Safari trips can get hectic if you save everything for the last moment. Once you are done with the required documentation and paperwork you need to focus on booking your flights and accommodation. This is essential because many tourists prefer to choose the dry season for their Big 5 safari tours.

If you are particular about the kind of accommodations you want you need to book them in advance. This would ensure that you do not have to worry about running out of options and ensure you can choose from incredible wildlife experiences.

The type of accommodation you choose would also depend on what type of safari you prefer. If you are heading solo you can look for tents and camps where you can stay in comfort. However, if you are planning a honeymoon you can look for a luxurious lodge with a magnificent view to make those moments count. 

rhino and calf big 5 safari
Image by Pete Ball from Pixabay

Pace Your Trip

Doing multiple activities in a day can be exhausting. Hence, it is also essential that you know how to pace yourself. While game drives and walking tours are exciting you also need to understand that these activities demand physical stamina.

Always plan your activities with a resting gap to help you optimize your time. This would allow your body to get the right relaxation to help you enjoy safari activities. If you are heading for safari tours with your family you want to focus on how all members of the family can enjoy their holidays without being exhausted.

Pack Right

When you are heading for a safari trip you also want to ensure that you have the right luggage. This can make a huge difference because you do not want to end up carrying heavier luggage all over the place. If you are unsure you can make a list of essentials you will need for your safari trip.

With the help of the list, you can eliminate some of the items that might be superfluous or impractical. Apart from neutral-coloured clothing you might also want to focus on other accessories like binoculars, excellent hiking shoes, insect repellent, headgear and sunscreen protection. You might also want to add a first aid kit to help you with necessary pills and tablets for motion sickness, nausea and other mild fevers. 

african buffalo safari
Image by Nel Botha from Pixabay

Choose a Local Guide

If you are relatively new to the world of wildlife safari you need to have an expert by your side to guide you through your tour. This is essential because having a local guide allows you to get all the details quickly and on time.

If you are going for a wildlife safari for a short duration you want to optimize the time you have. Choosing an experienced and professional local guide helps with sustainable tourism. It helps the local community earn their livelihood.

An experienced guide will help you get to know more about how to act and be safe, get information on park tickets and much more. These experts can also take you to the right place at the right time to help you make the most of your game drives. 

Focus on Safety and Enjoy

Seeing a wild animal can be thrilling but you need to understand that you are out in the open. It is, therefore, necessary that you always think of safety first.

While you might be good at planning you need to understand that not all situations might go the way you want. This means you need to adapt and secure yourself first.

When you are heading for game drives you need to follow rules that will help you enjoy your Big 5 wildlife safari trip. If this is your first safari tour you can take the shortcomings as a lesson to prepare for your next trip. On the other hand, you need to keep an open mind and enjoy your safari holidays to the fullest. 

A Big 5 Safari Trip Will Be a Lifetime Experience

A wildlife safari trip to Africa is for many people a once in a lifetime experience. With good planning, which includes selecting the right tour provider and guide, packing right, and proper timing, your Big 5 safari trip will deliver the bucket list-worthy expectations you have for this exceptional trip.

big 5 wildlife safari tips

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